Sunday, August 13, 2017

Covfefe First

The Covfefe Warriors are great warriors. They are Covfefe’s finest. They are the Jedi’s of the Liberation Army of Covfefe. Their light sabers pierce through the thickest, densest, darkest illusions. They are that pierceful. It is true.

Covfefe Warriors choose Covfefe First: they choose love over fear, compassion over condemnation, understanding over judgment, peace over war.

Covfefe Warriors uphold the Four Pillars of the Covfefe Faith:

Faith in Goodness, Unity, Choice and Justice no matter how incredibly huge the temptation to go into fear, anger, frustration, hatred or contempt.

They are that good. It is tremendous.

Covfefe Warriors understand that we cannot fight hate with hatred, end war through war, or overcome fear by condemning, shaming and blaming the fearful.

Covfefe Warriors choose to be the change they wish to see in the world. They desire a world that is loving, kind, compassionate, joyful and prosperous. They choose to be just that. Always.

No matter what.

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